Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week two.post 1

By far my favorite scene in the book thus far starts around page seventy-three,  Sonny tries to run to his

room right when he comes home from Cindy’s somewhat tipsy and awkwardly speaking to his mother. I

have been in similar situations, We try not to be rude in these situations but its hard not to be. I also feel like

I leave my mother in the dark almost as much as Sonny does, speaking to her with my eyes to the ground as

 she drills my on question after question about things I want, things I like or just what I’ve done. Another

 thing that I can relate to is his attempts to distract her either with the tv or the phone, all these little things

make their whole short exchange of words so much more believable. This passage says a lot about Sonny

and Silvia’s relationship, she really tries to get to know him at this moment and also is struggling with her

 new stay at home lifestyle. The scene impacts the novel because of what happened before with Sonny,

naïve and impulsively kissing Cindy even though she is a married woman even though she did put him up to

it. Later in the novel there are a few more of these moments, but this one sticks in my head the most. These

Sonny and Silvia moments not only let us learn more about her but also about Cloyd since Sonny doesn’t

really say much to him while at the same time be as respectful as he can and do what he asks because he

 doesn‘t really mind. Both him and his mother have issues with Cloyd but only share these with each

 other. It’s good to see how much Sonny will actually share since most of the things we learn about him are

all from his thoughts. Sonny is a very bright and very observant boy, but he really doesn’t voice out his

opinions  too often.  Just like the jobs Sonny does around the house, his and Silvia’s talks really move the

 story forward the three core characters learn more about each other.

1 comment:

  1. This post I think is true to alot of teenagers. I think we leave our parents in the dark to alot of things which shows that Sonny is an average teenager. I know I can relate to having to hide things from my dad and then go thorugh the awkward questioning that leads to not many words on my part. This is a good post I can relate to it alot.
